
TSA Rex - Emergency Veterinary Fund

Help Rex Heal!

TSA Explosives Detection Dog Rex is a German Short Hair Pointer that served 6 years before being medically retired. He is one of the sweetest dogs we have cared for, and he is loved by everyone.

On Wednesday (Jan 3), Rex had two Grand Mal seizures back to back, and we immediately took him to our vet clinic. After huge amounts of medication, our vet could not get them under control.  That evening, we transferred him to an emergency vet, so they could monitor him throughout the night.  While in their care and after many medications, they too could not get them under control.

Yesterday, we took him to the specialists, and he has been with them since.  His grand mal seizures have stopped, but he is still having focal seizures.  He had to have an MRI, and he is still at the vet.  We are hoping that we can get the right dosage of medication to get the seizures under control.

 He was left blind by the first seizures, yet he seems to be regaining sight now. We can only hope for the best with that. Our primary focus is to stop the seizures so he can once again enjoy his life.

Emergency veterinary visits are costly! We hope you will find that you can donate toward Rex's healing.

We anticipate a $10,000 bill before this is over.

Thank you for anything you can give to help!


If you prefer Paypal, we are listed as “Mission K9 Rescue”.

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:
Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization


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