

About MWD Sofi Reunion Drive

If You Prefer PayPal, we are "Mission K9 Rescue"

Help Reunite MWD Benjamin B737(Ret) with his Handler, Larry

MWD Benjamin B737 is a Retired Explosive Detection and Patrol Dog He served at RAF Lakenheath Benjamin was born on March 23, 2018 and served for 5 years in the United States Air Force. 

You can help us sponsor MWD Benjamin's transport to reunite with his handler.

The transportation cost is approximately $4000.

Your donation helps them reunite and enjoy a great retirement!

The Mission K9 Rescue Team thanks YOU for donating to support our work!

Your gift keeps our operations growing and moving forward.

Your funds are used for rescuing Military and Contract Working Dogs, Reuniting Veteran Working Dogs
with Handlers, Transportation, Medical Care, and Boarding.

Your help in giving makes you a valued team member. We welcome your questions and thank you for your support!

Since 2013, we've brought over 1300 working dogs home from abroad. We've reunited over 680 of those K9's with their former Veteran Handlers. We've touched hundreds more with veterinary care and made dozens of stateside transports. 

If you prefer PayPal - Send Money to "MISSION K9 RESCUE"

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


With appreciation,

Kristen Maurer
Louisa Kastner
Bob Bryant
Mission K9 Staff and Kennel Team


Petco Foundation - Helping Heroes Award