About MWD Cent - Help A Hero Reunite With His Handler!

MWD Cent C091 is a Retired Explosive Detection and Patrol dog who served in Iraq.
You can help us sponsor MWD Cent's transport to reunite with his handler.
The estimated cost for Cent's transportation is approximately $3500. Read what Dalton wrote about MWD Cent
Please consider donating to help them reunite and enjoy a great retirement!
The Mission K9 Rescue Team thanks YOU for donating to support our work!
If you prefer PayPal - Send Money to "MISSION K9 RESCUE"
If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:
With appreciation,
Kristen Maurer
Louisa Kastner
Bob Bryant
Mission K9 Staff and Kennel Team
Petco Foundation - Helping Heroes Award