About PDK9 Rocky - Care and Support!

Rocky is a Retired Police K9 that kept our streets safe from crime!
You can help us sponsor Rocky's Boarding, Food, and Care. His estimated financial needs prior to adoption will approach $2000.
Rocky is 6 years young.
He gets along well with other dogs!
His ideal home would be one with plenty of love to go around.
He is at the MK9 Veteran K9 Ranch currently under the care of our amazing staff that is with him and our other amazing Hero Dogs
Not looking to adopt right now? Please consider donating to help him get the care he needs while waiting for his forever home.
The Mission K9 Rescue Team thanks YOU for donating to support our work!
If you prefer PayPal - Send Money to "MISSION K9 RESCUE"
If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:
With appreciation,
Kristen Maurer
Louisa Kastner
Bob Bryant
Mission K9 Staff and Kennel Team
Petco Foundation - Helping Heroes Award