

About Mine Detection Dogs - Bosnia Transport

Three Mine Detection Dogs need transport funding from Bosnia to the USA.

They have served their entire lives searching for landmines left from the violence of war with the help of a Non Governmental Organization (NGO). The work is tedious and exhausting, yet they make a difference! Because of their service, children can play again in fields without worry of being hurt or killed by unexploded mines.

Now, they are older and their work is done. They asked MissionK9 to bring them back to the USA and provide them with care and loving homes. We are glad to rescue them and with your help they'll be on a plane soon! We can't wait to show you pictures of them in the USA!

Due their location (Bosnia), transportation options are limited. The cost to bring them home is $12,000

Thank you for making this happen!

Please give as you are able - You'll smile knowing you've helped rescue these heroes!

Since 2013, we've brought over 1000 working dogs home from abroad. We've reunited over 520 of those K9's with their former Veteran Handlers. We've touched hundreds more with veterinary care and made dozens of stateside transports. 

Smile and know just how much the gift you give will enrich the lives of these hero dogs. It is amazing to see them transform and we have you, our supporters to thank!

91 cents out of every dollar given goes directly to the work - no waste!

We feel profound about the work we do together. The collective "YOU" makes all our work possible.

Thank you for your continued support!
Please share our work with others.
You are saving K9 Lives!

If you prefer PayPal - Send Money to "MISSION K9 RESCUE"

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


With appreciation,

Kristen Maurer
Louisa Kastner
Bob Bryant
Mission K9 Staff and Kennel Team


Petco Foundation - Helping Heroes Award